Why Experiential Learning?

Experience-based learning is collaborative where the student is the teacher and the teacher is the student. Many real estate investors have spent thousands of dollars with real estate Gurus and don’t comprehend real estate investing.  Even though some people do understand, here are 10 facts about learning retention you’ll wish you could forget and serve as the basis for the Game:


  • After one day, people forget more than 70 percent of what was taught in training.


  • After six days, people forget 75 percent of the information in their training.


  • Forgetting isn’t just the learner’s fault — the presentation of information can either hinder or spur memory.


  • People often forget because it was never actually learned in the first place, whether their gnat-sized attention spans or unclear messages are to blame.


  • Interference occurs when information is not learned deeply (e.g. when it’s not applicable to someone’s day-to-day work).


  • Information in our memories can decay, or fade over time if not accessed enough.


  • To learn, the brain builds on existing knowledge — that’s why practice can make perfect.



  • Corporations spent over 101 Billion in 2022 on training (yep, that includes all of those one-and-done’s, fancy seminars).




Make your investment misteaks here. Not in the real world.